Monday, May 31, 2010

Oh, this is just a test....

Oh, this is just a test. I'm trying to see where this goes. If it goes to the draft or what. listen

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

BuildOn Fundraiser

Fabulous evening! Thanks Meredith! Really thought someone would out-bid me on the off-shore sailing class! But I'll use it with my son!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:St Francis Hotel

Quote of my day by Barack Obama

Barack Obama: “We're examining any implications especially for civil rights because in the United States of America, no law abiding person -- be they an American citizen, illegal immigrant, or a visitor or tourist from Mexico -- should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like." Uh, Mr. President, who is writing your material??? And did you know the Arizona bill is only ten pages long and you could actually have your aides read it and summarize it for you...BTW, it specifically forbids racial profiling.....

Democracy is a Child

I am constantly reminded that the people who appreciate this country the most are the people who live here by choice - who weren't born here. Those who were raised elsewhere and consider precious the freedoms we enjoy as Americans and our democratic system of government. Hey, it ain't perfect folks, but it is the best so far.

I was reminded of this again this morning when I received an email from my colleague and Facebook friend Alex asking me to vote for his wife's video in the YouTube competition currently running called the Democracy Challenge. Alex and his wife are Brazilian, but chose to settle in the East Bay years ago.

Alex's wife Nicole's video is a sweet metaphor comparing democracy to a child. I don't think I'll spoil the video, by restating it's words (punctuation is mine), which are set to music and a film starring her children and a momentary cameo by Alex:

Democracy is
a child
so young,
needing to be nurtured.

Fragile and Vulnerable;
Shaped by us.

This is a reflection
of you and me.

A responsibility
that is shared,
not to be neglected,
begging for attention.

A precious gift;
our hope and promise
for the future.

There are a lot of videos to vote for, and I don't care which one you vote for (sorry Alex) but THIS IS A DEMOCRACY SO GET OUT AND VOTE. The link to the competition is:

and to view Nicole's video select "Democracy is a child"